Randy Guertin ’18

Company / School: Behavioral Health Network

Position / Degree: Administrative Support


  • BA, Biochemistry and French & Francophone Studies, Vassar College

After graduating from Vassar in 2018 with a double major in Biochemistry and Francophone Studies, Randy Guertin (he/they) began working at the GRCF, a genetics research and biobank core facility located within Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. There, he learned about contemporary methods in cell culture and cryopreservation and assisted as an essential worker with the collecting and processing of SARS-CoV-2 patient bio-samples. In 2021 he moved to Ware, Massachusetts, where he now works within a Family Resource Center—a community organization that finds emotional support and practical assistance for community members. There he organizes community events, leads a LGBTQIATS+ teen support group, facilitates evidence-based parenting courses and staff wide inclusivity and diversity trainings, and assists with community member intakes and service provisions.

Advice to Students:

Life is full of uncertainty and will always find creative ways to make you question your decisions, goals, and direction. My advice is that it does not matter whether you choose to remain on one path or to reconsider and try another, but rather the confidence of your choice. I have found pride and fulfillment on multiple paths that I have already walked and continue to walk. Ask yourself why you are on this road to begin with and where you want to go, but above all realize that this is one of many lanes that will take you to that desired place.

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