Nina Huang ’10 

Company / School: National Domestic Workers Alliance

Position / Degree: Director of Operations


  • BA, Science, Technology, and Society, Vassar College

As the Director of Operations at the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) since 2015, Nina Huang (she/her) leads the Operations Team and ensures that everything happening behind the scenes and on the ground is running smoothly. She enjoys creating systems that strengthen NDWA’s internal infrastructure and support the organization’s mission of organizing and empowering domestic workers. Prior to joining NDWA, she spent four years working in electoral politics, providing administrative support to organizations like the Working Families Party and organizing canvasses for progressive candidates and issues. Nina is a first generation Korean-Taiwanese American and holds a BA in Science, Technology, and Society from Vassar. She currently resides in Philadelphia, PA.

Advice to Students:

I remind myself so often that taking any step is better than not doing anything at all. Few things are irreversible or permanent!

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