Daniel Gutowski ’16 

Company / School: Audible

Position / Degree: Data Analyst


  • BA, Economics, Vassar College

Daniel Gutowski (he/him) is a Data Analyst at Audible. He has previously worked at CNN Digital and Hawkfish, a Bloomberg adtech company. On a typical day, he is generating business reporting that helps the company make strategic decisions. He worked a multitude of odd jobs to get to where he is, including: fundraiser at Habitat for Humanity, restaurant server, bike messenger, salesperson at a running shoe store, account manager at a billboard advertising agency. Outside of work, he is an avid runner and has completed eight marathons.

Advice to Students:

When I graduated, it took me a while to get my footing career-wise. I was very unsure of which direction to take. I think it’s important to have job experience of any kind, and that you should view your career decisions as temporary stepping stones. Don’t obsess over making the optimal decision. You can always correct later on. One of my favorite quotes is, “It’s easier to change directions if you are in motion.” I’d add to that, take the best option available in front of you, and don’t be embarrassed by a minimum-wage job. My “odd jobs” have informed my worldview in a positive way and have given me skills that I use in my job today!

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