Anne Green ’93 

Company / School: G&S Business Communications

Position / Degree: CEO


  • BA, English, Vassar College
  • MA, 19th Century American Literature, New York University
  • ABD, 19th Century American Literature, New York University

Anne Green (she/her) brings 30 years of experience in integrated marketing communications to her role as CEO and partner at G&S Business Communications. She is responsible for ensuring excellence across all areas of performance and operations, from client service to the agency’s integrated offerings to cultivating a vibrant and growth-oriented culture. Anne is passionate about providing counsel to clients in such sectors as healthcare, professional services, and financial services, and is an accomplished media trainer and speaking coach. She previously served as president and CEO of CooperKatz & Company, Inc., an award-winning communications agency she helped build for over two decades before its acquisition by G&S. Anne is a board director for the Alumnae/i Association of Vassar College (AAVC) and has previously served on the boards of the PR Council and New York anti-trafficking nonprofit LifeWay Network.

Advice to Students:

Curiosity is one of the most powerful traits you can cultivate across your career—and is a natural extension of the kind of explorations you’re engaged in at Vassar right now. This world is shifting so fast and in ways that are hard to anticipate. We need to stay wide open and actively engaged in learning/absorbing all we can. That’s why, when people ask what I look for when interviewing someone, intellectual curiosity is always near the top of my list.

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